I had to post these pictures mom sent to us today. They are precious and proves that Olivia has gotten to be a stubborn little muffin. Only a short while ago we were able to give Olivia small pieces of food that we cut up for her, well now she HAS to have the whole thing in her hands and SHE decides how much she wants or eats. Case in point with this apple......
Monday, September 29, 2008
The "Big Apple"
Posted by Lauren and Allen Oakes at 12:57 PM 0 comments
Olivia's First Birthday
Finally! Sorry it's taken so long to post pics from Liv's birthday celebration. We had a wonderful time and she got way too many presents. Here are some of my favorites...

Cutie Pie!
Liv about to eat her birthday cake
She loved it! She also loved sharing her cake too with everyone. She kept offering handfuls of cake to everyone. So Cute!
Posted by Lauren and Allen Oakes at 7:59 AM 4 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
We can not believe that a year ago today Lindsey called me on the way home from her regular doctors appointment and told me that she was having Olivia today! She had a her c-section scheduled for 5:30 that night. I just remember her saying " God, I am so irritated, I am having to drive mom and me home because mom is freaking out and she can't even drive the car!" So, typical!
All of you that have children already, I think you would agree with me that seeing your little baby for the first time will take your breathe away and is by far the best moment of your life! I guess its a little different for me too because Lindsey and I are SO close that I feel like Olivia is part mine too but I had the easy part and didn't have to give birth to her!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LIV! If she only knew how much happiness she has brought to our families lives since the moment she born a year ago today!!!! Here are some pictures from this past year....Enjoy!
Posted by Lauren and Allen Oakes at 8:48 AM 3 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Olivia's Birthday Party Invitations
Here is the invitation for Olivia's birthday party on Saturday. I had so much fun picking them out. I ended up taking the bow that came with pig off and hot glued my own on. I thought it was MUCH cuter! Hopefully, one day I'll be able to open up "Posh Party Planning by Lauren Oakes" and plan a party for you!!!
Posted by Lauren and Allen Oakes at 1:54 PM 3 comments
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Our "Baby" Update
Every post it seems like I am writing about Olivia and what we did that weekend and how cute she is, etc. I've seem to have forgotten that I have a baby too that I have not posted anything about in forever! Last night I gave Harvey a bath and after he got finished running around the house at 100 mph and I attempted to blow dry his hair, he got snuggled up on the couch to keep warm. He is such a muffin!
Posted by Lauren and Allen Oakes at 1:43 PM 4 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
This past weekend...
Dove season and some sort of duck season is in so we all know what that means.....I become "lonely" on the weekends now. Just kidding, I actually always have Lindsey and Olivia to hang out with or I can go to the lake with my parents so it's not all the bad. Plus Allen's not gone all the time. This past weekend Lindsey and Olivia came over to my house around 10:00am to begin our Saturday/Sunday Girls weekend. We started out at Target getting some food and Olivia some presents but only to get all the way up to the cash registers and Target only has TWO lines open and there are at least 30 people waiting to check out. So, we ended up just leaving out stuff and headed to Publix to get our tailgating food. When we got home we dressed Olivia up in her new Auburn outfit and watched the Auburn game. I'll post those pics later today. She was so cute!!! After the game, we did some crafts for Lindsey's classroom and then headed to La Paz where Olivia pigged out on mexican. At one point, she had her whole hand in the refried beans and tried to stuff all of it into her mouth. She was a mess!! But was amusing as ever waving to everyone and clapping her hands. Next week she turns ONE!! We can't believe it! We have been planning her party like she is going to remember it forever, but we will remember it so its important to us. Her birthday party is going to be an " Olivia the Pig" themed party with everything from a pig cake, pig balloons, pig pinata, etc. Can't wait to post those pics!!! For now, here is a picture from this weekend with her "driving" the grocery cart at Publix.
Posted by Lauren and Allen Oakes at 11:44 AM 2 comments