Thursday, September 18, 2008


We can not believe that a year ago today Lindsey called me on the way home from her regular doctors appointment and told me that she was having Olivia today! She had a her c-section scheduled for 5:30 that night. I just remember her saying " God, I am so irritated, I am having to drive mom and me home because mom is freaking out and she can't even drive the car!" So, typical!

All of you that have children already, I think you would agree with me that seeing your little baby for the first time will take your breathe away and is by far the best moment of your life! I guess its a little different for me too because Lindsey and I are SO close that I feel like Olivia is part mine too but I had the easy part and didn't have to give birth to her!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LIV! If she only knew how much happiness she has brought to our families lives since the moment she born a year ago today!!!! Here are some pictures from this past year....Enjoy!


Meredith said...


The C's said...

How was the party??

Bendabl said...

Yay Lauren! Glad you found me! Yeah this blogging world can be fun sometimes and a great way to keep in touch! Love the Olivia pictures! Brooke's due in about a month and I CAN'T WAIT!!