Monday, June 7, 2010

Whoa!!!! It's been a while

I just got back on my blog from being away from it for awhile and didn't realize that it had been since April that I've updated our blog! Ava doesn't even look the same anymore. I must get better about posting pictures of our sweet baby. For now at least here are a few new pictures of our 5 1/2 month old baby.....and side note....She started Brookwood Baptist today. No more Nana Daycare, it's big girl school for now. It was so weird leaving her with two women I had only met once and telling myself she would be okay....she is just a baby. Allen and I both took her for I think support for one another this morning but Daddy is picking her up early today because he can't stand it and wants her home!


Bendabl said...

Sooo cute Lauren!!! I want more pictures! haha! :)

The C's said...

she will love daycare!!! i promise. kylie loved being with the other babies so much even at that early age!