Monday, April 7, 2008

New Landscaping

So, here it is.....Allen and I have been working so hard in our front yard the past two weeks and are so proud of our accomplishments. Here's the background - When we bought the house the front yard was over ridden with old azaleas and other struggling plants so one of the first things we attended to after we moved in was tearing EVERYTHING out of the front yard. We were left with a blank slate to work with but here's the thing, we left it that way for over a year. So, it was due time for us to fix up the front yard. We are not quite finished yet, we still need to add some plants on the side of the house and in the very large planting bed on the left side of the house but as of right now we are happy that we got this far. I'd have to say to date this is the best improvement we have made to the house since we've moved in.


The C's said...

Hey! The landscaping looks great!!!! I love it!

Lesa said...

You did it! Can't believe you got it all done and I'm glad you didn't put the 2 "grasses" where I had put them. The one looks much better on the front porch! Good job, La (and Allen).